Why Marketing ?

Marketing is considered as the primary importance of successful businesses. Therefore, targeting the appropriate customer is a must in order to create the foundation.


A businesses identity is a key factor to making marketing work. Successful marketing includes; creating an image or perspective within a customer  which in return allows the target customer to take the product goods or services.


There is "wrong" perspective around the world about marketing in which about 68% of the world believe that marketing is "personal selling." About 80% of people in Saudi Arabia believe that marketing is advertising and sales only.


From this percentage in Saudi Arabia, this tells us there is still not yet a risk; or in otherwords companies in Saudi Arabia have not reached to the level where marketing is greatly needed and therefore understood and implemented to the people at large. This is due to the fact that there is a high demand of products in general. This leads companies to compete against one another in terms of market share and profiting. 


Throughout my website, my actual aim is to provide a true understanding to "marketing" as it is mistaken, especially in Saudi Arabia.


You will find answers throughout this website to questions such as: 


  • What is the difference between sales and marketing?
  • Is Public Relations a part of marketing?
  • Whats the difference between clients, customer, consumer?


Enjoy browsing through.....any suggestions are welcome.


 Mohammed Al Shammari